Saturday, October 16, 2010

IVF Adventure Part 2

Well we found out we were approved for IVF around the last week of August. DP's insurance would cover it all...I guess this is due to her Endometerosis. So had to take a few more tests so that she could donate an left over eggs if we were successful in the first try.

So not long after she came home with this enourmous box of medicine, which she was required to take in the next two week. The injections were much more complicated and some of the medicine she had to mix on her own. DP is a trouper, never complained once. In addition to all the needles, she also had to go in to the RE office for blood work like every other day.

We went to the RE on Sat to see if DP was ready for the retreival. Apparently they have to check and see if the eggs are growing properly and responding to the medicine. So when we got there one of the RE's, a woman dr. that we hadn't met before said that DP was lookin good and that we had 9 mature eggs.

She recommended starting another shot later that day and then coming in again the next day to determine day of retrevial.

We went home that day, hopeful but also not really knowing what day the retrevial would be.
Low and behold we got a call about an hour or two after we got home and was the IVF nurses telling us that we the retrevial would be on Mon. 10/4 at 10:45 am.

Wow! we did not expect it but we were elated!

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