Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cycle III- Clomid and HCG Shot

Well we went for try number 3 hoping that the 3rd time would be a charm but to no avail we crashed and burned yet again.

This cycle was the best with 3 mature follicles above 20mm. The count was great with 100% motility..... so what went wrong? We have no idea.

The 2ww is like waiting on pins and needles....this time we were hopeful but not optimistic. Low and behold AF came on Saturday 4/24...bummer.

So now we have a consultation on Monday 4/26 to meet with RE to discuss more options. At least DP has good insurance 100% covered....that is some good news.


  1. Sorry to hear things didn't go so well... Good luck with the RE. By the way you use alot of acronyms and I'm now following your blog :).

  2. Oh Good I'm glad someone else is reading it! Thanks.

    So the code is RE for reproductive expert
    2 WW is 2 week wait
    DP- Darling Partner
    TTC- Trying to Conceive

    I picked it up from reading other blogs on this is annoying but takes less time to write.
