Sunday, July 10, 2011

Who does Rhyan look like?

Rhyan Kathleen

Our Little Angel

Rhyan is Born!

Rhyan Kathleen Musumeci Crescenzi was born on

June 20, 2011 at 7:37 am. She was 8 lbs and 1 oz and 20 1/4 inches long.

She had a 9.9 Apgar score and was very alert with perfect color.

Our baby is finally here.....and she is beautiful!

Labor and Delivery 6/19/20

When we got to Labor and Delivery, the doctor had to use a balloon catheter to help chris' cervix dilate manually. This took quite a few hours to work. Chris decided to get an Epidural early on, so that she wouldn't feel pain. I don't blame her for that.

Finally at around 7:10 am on Monday morning June 2oth, the nurse said it was time for Chris to push. She didn't realize that Rhyan really wanted out at this point and couldn't believe how quickly she was coming out. The nurse frantically called the doctor.... Rhyan was about to enter the world, whether the doctor was there or not!!

The induction 6/18/11

We were in the high risk section for the induction. Unfortunately, the medicine didn't work that well over night, so Chris had to take a pill which made us wait another 6 hours. Our hope was that her cervix would dilate enough for us to go to labor and delivery. Chris had a cervix of steel, so we didn't get moved to Labor and Delivery till around 5pm on Sunday 6.19. Little did we know, we still had a long way to go.

39 Weeks

At 39 Weeks Dr. Cannon offered Chris an induced due to her discomfort and some issues with our health insurance. So we scheduled an induction for Jiune 18th 2011 with the expectation that Rhyan wouldn't be born till the next day; however, we were wrong. Ironically, Rhyan decided she didn't want to join the world on Father's Day. :)