Sunday, July 10, 2011

Who does Rhyan look like?

Rhyan Kathleen

Our Little Angel

Rhyan is Born!

Rhyan Kathleen Musumeci Crescenzi was born on

June 20, 2011 at 7:37 am. She was 8 lbs and 1 oz and 20 1/4 inches long.

She had a 9.9 Apgar score and was very alert with perfect color.

Our baby is finally here.....and she is beautiful!

Labor and Delivery 6/19/20

When we got to Labor and Delivery, the doctor had to use a balloon catheter to help chris' cervix dilate manually. This took quite a few hours to work. Chris decided to get an Epidural early on, so that she wouldn't feel pain. I don't blame her for that.

Finally at around 7:10 am on Monday morning June 2oth, the nurse said it was time for Chris to push. She didn't realize that Rhyan really wanted out at this point and couldn't believe how quickly she was coming out. The nurse frantically called the doctor.... Rhyan was about to enter the world, whether the doctor was there or not!!

The induction 6/18/11

We were in the high risk section for the induction. Unfortunately, the medicine didn't work that well over night, so Chris had to take a pill which made us wait another 6 hours. Our hope was that her cervix would dilate enough for us to go to labor and delivery. Chris had a cervix of steel, so we didn't get moved to Labor and Delivery till around 5pm on Sunday 6.19. Little did we know, we still had a long way to go.

39 Weeks

At 39 Weeks Dr. Cannon offered Chris an induced due to her discomfort and some issues with our health insurance. So we scheduled an induction for Jiune 18th 2011 with the expectation that Rhyan wouldn't be born till the next day; however, we were wrong. Ironically, Rhyan decided she didn't want to join the world on Father's Day. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

38 Weeks- The countdown has begun

Well we are at 38 weeks now...Rhyan should be here soon.
Chris' last day of work is June 17th. Then she is officially going on maternity leave.

We spoke to the doctor and Rhyan's head is in the down position. At 36 weeks she weighed 6 lbs and 6 oz, so the doctor predicts she will be a 7.5 to 8 lb baby.

At the last appointment Chris was 50% effaced and not dilated. Our next appointment is Wed 6/15, so we will see if she made any progress. At this point the doctor said it could be any day.

My prediction is June 14th. We are both so excited. Everything is ready to go, all we need is our little bundle of joy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Just for Fun

I used to see what Rhyan would look like in the future.

I combined Chris' face with the donor's face.

Pretty cute :)

33 Weeks

Rhyan is getting bigger! She is coming in about 6 or 7 weeks. WOW!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 32 and 6 days

We are getting close....looking forward to the shower on my side of the family at the end of this month. I know my mom and Alanna have worked hard to put it all together. We really are so luck to have an awesome family.

Chris is hormonal, grouchy and uncomfortable, but that is to be expected when you are 7.5 months preggo. The baby is healthy and growing on schedule, so that is relief. Although we do think that she is going to be a BIG baby...I guess we will soon find out.

I am really getting the itch to hold her in my arms. I am having dreams about her, and every time I walk down the baby isle in a store I get goose bumps thinking that finally I'll be a mom soon.

I have wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. I just can't wait to hold her in my arms, kiss her and tell her that Momma loves her.

Our little Family

I totally think she looks like Chris here...what do you think?

Rhyan Kathleen - 28 Weeks

Our Baby Showers

Yes I thought it would be funny to mock the pregnant lady at the shower!

This is our shower on April 23rd at the Women's Club. My sister-in-law worked her ass off to give us such a nice shower. Thanks to Jody and Bobbi Jo!

The other picture is of our other shower given by my mom and my sister-in-law Alanna on May 21st, at the Cluster's in Washington Township. My sister-in-law made the cutest cake with a pink puppy on it. Thanks to Mom and Alanna for a really nice shower.

We got lots of nice baby gadgets and clothes at both showers. We are so lucky to have such loving and supportive families.

Week 28- Week 30

This is our little Rhyan at 28 weeks. We had another elective ultrasound to get this detailed picture of her. We just couldn't wait to see what she looks like.

Here is the belly at 30 weeks.

At this point we have been to all the baby classes we can possibly deal with. We did a Breast feeding class, baby basics, and labor basics with an added breathing and relaxation component. The classes were all well and good, but as a whole most of it I already learned by reading a book. I guess it didn't hurt to hear it twice.

At Rhyan's last ultrasound, which we had with Dr. Debs, she weighed 3 lbs and 3oz. The dr. said she was measuring 1 week ahead. Then we went to our 2 week appointment with the OB and found out that Rhyan is actually due June 23rd instead of the 27th like we originally thought.

I can't wait for her to get here!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Size at 26 weeks

She passed the 3 hour Diabetes test, no gestational Diabetes...YAY!

This is the size of Rhyan right now.....

New 3d ultrasounds in 2 more weeks : )

Week 26 Belly

DP took her Glucose screening last week and failed it. She had to go back yesterday to take a 3 hour test.

If it isn't one thing it's another. First she had to stay in the hospital over night with kidney stones and now this.

We should know the results in a few days...if she fails this test that means she has gestational diabetes.

Updated Nursery

Nursery is finished!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nursery 3

Painting on the wall above the progress

Nursery Part 2



Painting on wall behind progress

Nursery- Crib



Painting on the wall above crib............. in progress

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 21

Week 21, the belly measures 41 inches at the end of week 21.

Rhyan is moving a lot now. Chris says she feels her everyday. On our way to Ava's birthday party on Saturday, I had on Madonna " Where's the Party" and Rhyan started doing back flips! I think Gay Uncle Kevin will be proud of his little diva in the making. :)

125 more days to go till little Rhyan is with us!

Weeks 18-20

The belly is 40 inches in week 20. Rhyan had her 20 week ultrasound on Feb 9th 2011. Everything measured fine. She was 12 oz in weight and measured about 5.31 inches. Her heart rate was 142 bpm. At first Rhyan didn't want us to see her profile, so Chris had to jiggle her around a little. Finally when the doctor came in she decided to turn around.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week 17

The belly grew 1 whole inch this!

Last week the belly was 38 1/4 inches and now it is 39 and 1/4 inches.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rhyan in 4D

The 4D ultrasound experience was amazing. The ultrasound tech said that we wouldn't want to see the baby this early on because they look like little aliens, but I think our daughter is absolutely adorable. In this pic she is sucking her thumb. We saw it live on the ultrasound. She was moving around like a little acrobat. So cute!

More pictures of Rhyan Kathleen

Week 16.5- It's a girl!

Rhyan Kathleen

We had an elective ultrasound done to find out the gender early.