Thursday, December 30, 2010

Week 13 Belly Bump

We got our results back from genetic testing and everything came out low risk. So baby is developing normally and the heart rate was 159 bpm. Baby was 2.9 inches, and weighs .81 oz....which is the size of a peach.

The dr. did say that Chris had a fibroid tumor, but he didn't think there was cause for concern; however, Chris has had some lower back pain, which we think may be the fibroid tumor putting pressure on her back.

We went to the family doctor and she recommended a warm compress and perhaps an adjustment by a DO. I guess time will tell with this one.

For Christmas, I got Chris a pre-natal massage so hopefully that will help her back a bit.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas

From Baby Crescenzi

Week 12 Genetic Testing

December 15 , 2010

On our dating anniversary, this is Chris getting ultrasound # 5 done. This was part of the genetic testing which consists of a high tech ultrasound, baby measurements and blood work.

They check to see if you are at risk for birth defects. We should know by Monday or Tuesday if we are high risk or low risk. The ultrasound was amazing! We saw the baby suck it's thumb and wave and kick it's legs. I never knew how early a fetus develops the physical traits of a baby. When the ultrasound tech, who had no personality by the way, blew up the pic on the monitor, we could see the baby's chin, lips, mouth, forehead, feet, hands etc. It was such an amazing experience. I can't wait till we find out the gender. We ask the tech to look but she said it was too early. I think that is bullshit and she just didn't want to look.

I guess we will have to wait another few weeks for that. We did take the over the counter intelligender test and it said it was a boy. I guess we will soon find out!

Week 12 Belly Bump

So this is week 12...we are approaching the end of the first trimester. On Monday December 20th we will start Week 13 the 2nd trimester. I guess this is the time where most people feel like they are out of the danger zone... I am still nervous of course.

This week we will have genetic testing done on 12/15/10 @ 2:45 pm.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Telling the Family Part II

The rest of the poem.....

Telling the Family part I

I wrote a poem and we surprised the family. We got an awesome reaction! The video is in two parts so see part two for Aunt Ne-Ne screaming " Chrissys pregnant!!" LOL

Week 11

This is what baby looks like at 11 weeks.

Week 11 Belly Bump..... baby is getting bigger.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Baby Bump 9 Weeks

We told my mom's side of the family at Thanksgiving. Most of them already knew. When we read the poem it was like crickets because my dad had already went and told most of the family before we had the chance to. We hardly got any reaction on my mom's side. So we are planning to tell my dad's side on x-mas eve. I hope the cat isn't out of the bag before then.

We are scheduled for genetic testing with an ultrasound on 12/16 @ 2:30pm. Our next OBGYN appointment is scheduled for 12/22/10 @ 7:45pm.

I can't wait to see the baby again!