Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week 8.5

Week 8.5 Baby Bump

Week 8

Baby Bump Week 8 - We told the whole family this week...on Chris' side anyway. I wrote a poem and we read it aloud at Gia's B-Day party. We got a wonderful reaction.

Baby Bump Week 7

Baby Bump week 7

Week 9 Ultrasound 4

After week 8 we were passed onto the OBGYN so we scheduled our first appointment for my birthday November 22nd.

The baby had grown to like 2.31 cm ( which is .9 inches). We didn't get a heart rate this time because they didn't have a doppler but the Nurse Practitioner said that the baby looked great!

So now we have to wait like 3 or 4 weeks to have genetic testing done and we will have another ultrasound done at that time. This will be around 12 or 13 weeks. We are hoping to be able to find out the gender of the baby by then as well.

Our next OBYN appointment is on December 22nd. Can't wait to see baby again!

Our third ultrasound was on November 11, 2010 @ 5:45pm. We were anxiously waiting to see if everything was alright due to the bleeding.

When the Dr. inserted the ultrasound we found out immediately that Baby B was no longer with us. It was clear that the second sac was not there.

The Dr. confirmed that the bleeding was due to a miscarriage of Baby B; however, Baby A was looked very strong and healthy at 12.50 mm and a heart rate of 154 BPM.

I guess we both had mixed feelings about twins so it was disappointing to hear the news but we both knew it was for the best.

Week 7.5

Our 2nd ultrasound was scheduled for Tuesday November 9th at 7:45pm; however, on Sunday the 7th DP woke up with some slight bleeding. Needless to say our hearts were crushed...we thought for sure she was having a miscarriage. So we call the Dr. to see if we could have an emergency ultrasound. They took us at 9:45am the next morning.

So the second ultrasound was done on November 8, 2010 @ the beginning of the 7th week. As we held our breathe and crossed our fingers, the doctor inserted the ultrasound. My mind was racing as of course I thought only the worst. Oh was I surprised! We actually found a second sac...meaning TWINS!

Unfortunately, the development of baby B was 1 week behind and the Dr. wasn't able to get a heartbeat. At that point, the Dr. said it was probably a sign that pregnancy B wasn't going well and she might miscarry. He mentioned that the bleeding was probably due to baby B and not to worry about baby A.

The good news was that Baby A was doing very well. It grew to 9.29 mm and the heart rate was 133 BPM.

The Dr. also said that miscarrying Baby B would not affect baby A...we were relieved.

Later that night DP had some more bleeding and it was more than the first time. We had to wait 3 days till the next ultrasound.

Ultrasound #1

This is ultrasound # 1 @ 6 weeks. November 1, 2010.

The baby was 3.95 mm in length and we heard the heartbeat for the first time. It was 107 BPM. The Dr. said that was right on target for 6 weeks.